The average house price on BOYCE CLOSE is £597,427
The most expensive house in the street is 1 BOYCE CLOSE with an estimated value of £768,312
The cheapest house in the street is 3 BOYCE CLOSE with an estimated value of £450,742
The house which was most recently sold was 5 BOYCE CLOSE, this sold on 22 Jul 2020 for £457,000
The postcode for BOYCE CLOSE is GL4 5JU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £768,312 £230,000 17 Aug 2001
2 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £651,663 £400,000 20 Jun 2008
3 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £450,742 £284,000 14 Mar 2008
4 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £546,109 £320,000 16 Jul 2010
5 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £556,696 £457,000 22 Jul 2020
6 BOYCE CLOSE Detached £611,042 £385,000 14 Mar 2008